Wednesday, 30 March 2016

10 tips to travel lighter

When it comes for packing for a vacation suddenly the fun is gone. Not many of us like packing and most of us don’t know the art of it at all. We stuff anything and everything and end up paying a lot for checking in these extra stuff. With most of the airlines upping the cost of checking in luggage, you definitely want to travel light if not for anything else. Also, lighter luggage increase mobility and flexibility dramatically.

Here are ten packing light hacks that will come handy for your next packing venture.

Choose a dark, basic color:

While packing clothes stick to a specific color and pack everything around it.  Not only will it save space but quite a lot of time as well. And, a darker shade, needless to say, will allow you to wear a specific clothing article for a longer time. Not for nothing I love black.

Make a mental matching of clothes and occasions:

Say no to clothing items which you can’t wear for more than one occasion. You will always be tempted to pack in your favorite dress or the shirt close to your heart but if it does not serve any purpose you are only filling up your suitcase with junk. In other words, if you want to travel light be rational.

Stick to light, wrinkle-free fabrics:

Light, wrinkle-free fabrics are the god of space. Polyester, spandex, rayon (or lyocell) and cashmere are a few fabrics you got to look out for.

Pack in minimum bottomwear:

This is a trick that will always work. Bottomwear is always heavier and hence packing minimum number of bottomwear and more color-coordinated tops, tees and shirts is a great way to save space and yet flaunt a new look every day on your vacation.

Multifunctional clothing pieces can take you a long way:

A wrap-around skirt which can also act as a maxi dress, a scarf which can also act as a sarong or denim which can also act as shorts are the clothes you should not leave behind while packing. 

Bundle wrapping is the way to go:

Bundle wrapping is the best way to make more space and reduce the chances of wrinkling up clothes. The trick is to put the smallest and the least wrinkle-able clothing on the inside of the bundle and form the outer layers keeping the criteria intact.

Wear the bulkier pieces of clothing on your travel day:

Wear the heaviest jacket or the bulkiest shoe on the day of your travel rather than packing it into your case.

Make a comprehensive list:

The best way to pack in just the right things and avoid packing in unnecessary stuff is to make a list before you actually start packing.

Organize similar stuff together in small pouches:

It is always good to keep your medicines, make-up, toiletries or shaving-kit in separate pouches. It saves space and time finding stuff.  

Cut down on accessories:

No matter how much like your neon sling bag or your fancy sued shoes be judicious and pack only your all-rounder accessories. A basic black handbag or a multipurpose flip-flop is what you should stick to.
  P.S. The images are copied from google. The sources have not been mentioned because of laziness. Pardon your lazy author for the crime. I am already crying inside. Give me peace and solace.


  1. These tips will help me a lot during travel

  2. good composition... makes sense in all thr right ways
